References for shooters in Ohio

Here are some helpful references for existing shooters or people that are interested in learning about shooting fireworks in Ohio.

The State Fire Marshal’s Office is part of the Ohio Department of Commerce.
Here is the section of their site related to fireworks: Fireworks | Ohio Department of Commerce
On that page you’ll find references to the various books/guides that they use to govern fireworks in the State, including links to (online, read-only versions of) NFPA 1123, 1126, and 160 (flame effects)

Here is the link to their online licensing portal where you can look up any person that is licensed in the State. eLicense Online (

If at any time they make changes and these links no longer work, let me or an admin know and we’ll update the links.

Is there any glaring omissions of reference materials that aren’t currently available via browsing the pages linked above? Let me know!