Welcome to the Ohio section for Regions

This forum is for Ohio Pyros.A place to exchange views and ideas.

Hey @216_PYRO, How about a I create a dedicated subforum?
Currently, this is just a single thread, which would be the equivalent of a single FB post that just goes on & on & on…

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How do you create a subforum?

Wld it be like the groups tab?

I would create a main category (“forum”) called Regions or something like that. Then a subcategory (“subforum”) called Ohio.
Then any/all conversations that are specific to Ohio could take place in there. Such as local meetups, requests for (local) gear or people for crews.

Ideally, if a conversation/topic is not specific to Ohio peeps, then it would take place in a different forum to get the most visibility & engagement.

Does that seem reasonable?

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Perfect… Yet I am still bound buy the 20 character response…

I miss read your 1st mesaage.Seems like i cant create a regions tab.Only topics.Unless im missing something.

@Evolution2001 was saying that he will make the categories, once they are made you can arrange your personal tab on the left to have whatever ones you want to be visible at the top.

Only admins can create “Categories” and “Sub Categories” Because each category has its own permissions and settings. :slight_smile:

Took me awhile to figure that out.Then I read the initial meassge.Im not that tech savy lol.


Not a problem, that is what the @admins are for :slight_smile:

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Can you delete this ohio topic i created or do i need too?

@216_PYRO we will just move it into the Ohio section once its made :slight_smile:

Of if you chose you can delete it. But its not bad to keep around if anyone else ends up searching for that question.

You should be able to (i think).
Otherwise, admins can.

I cant ,says i dnt have permission.

I will have to look into that, people should be able to delete their own posts for at least a week I think. I will take a look shortly.

Thanks for letting us know.

@216_PYRO , In the meantime…